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Nexus Collections Blog

Local Debt Recovery

Debt Collection During Covid-19 – It’s okay to expect to be paid….

The Coronavirus pandemic has presented businesses with all sorts of challenges, not the least of which is maintaining cash flow.

While you might think of it as a last resort, engaging a debt recovery specialist like Nexus Collections to help you get paid could make a big difference in these difficult times – like keeping staff on, maintaining supply levels, investing in the future and more.

Debt recovery has changed.
Encouraging as they are for the economy, the Government’s stimulus measures have had an impact on the debt recovery landscape, so it’s also important to work with a collections agency that is up-to-date with what can and cannot be done when it comes to recovering your debts.

At Nexus Collections

► We approach every project with professionalism and discretion to keep supplier and customer relationships intact.

► We’re empathetic towards your situation and fully aware of the environment your business is operating in right now.

► We make direct telephone contact with your debtors to get action, rather than sending repeated letters.

► We listen and we adapt our collection approach to suit the circumstances.

Comparing apples and oranges
Some businesses are struggling at the moment, that’s a fact.

But incentives like the JobKeeper payment, PAYG payment deferrals and other government and financial institution concessions are allowing many businesses to trade as normal – in fact some have more cash than before, so claiming they can’t pay their debts might not be true.

Let’s get your invoices paid
As doors re-open and demand increases, now is the ideal time to be first in line to get your outstanding debts paid.

We’re working with a number of clients on scheduled repayment systems right now. Remember, some cash flow is always better than none – so now is not the time to be shy about raising the issue of your outstanding debt.

Let’s get your invoices paid – it can start with a simple phone call or email us directly at with the details of your outstanding debts.

Five Tips for Christmas

Well folks, it’s that time of the year again. That time when many business owners start getting anxious about cash flow over the holiday season,

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