Proudly Supporting Australian Small Business Since 1994

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Commercial Debt Collection Services

Our business is diverse and whilst we offer a number of services to our clients, our core focus remains on commercial debt collection and our receivables management solution. Quite simply, we just stick to doing what we do best, protecting your business from losses at the hands of non-paying customers. If you are an ABN holder and you are owed money from unpaid invoices, then we can help. 


Worried about how your client might react, or the process involved ?

Fill in the form below and we can arrange a time to discuss your debt and the best way to collect it. 100% Free (No obligation)

Small business debt recovery on the Gold Coast

Slow paying debtors are one of the greatest concerns for every business that offers credit to its customers and the cash flow headache that results can be a nightmare.

Many Gold Coast debt collectors promise the highest possible success rates available in Australia, but how are you going to measure if that’s really the case? We simply state that if the debt is collectable, our team will work around the clock to achieve the best outcome for your business. This isn’t an ambitious claim – just plain fact.

We are well-versed in dealing with small business debt recovery It’s our specialty, and we’re all too well aware of the delay tactics and excuses that people use to avoid paying their creditors.

Trust our Gold Coast debt collectors to get the job done

For many of your customers, the current economic climate is resulting in them using your money to fund their own operations, and often they will wait until you to commence enforcement action before they push your invoice to the top of the pile.

Through our connections with a leading Queensland law firm and our network of professionals across the country, we provide an end-to-end solution to our clients. We remain the conduit between our client and those advisers for the entire journey.

We remove uncertainty by offering a competitive fixed price package on all undefended legal action. We’ll quote you upfront the cost of filing your claim, serving the documents and obtaining your judgment. As long as the matter isn’t defended this is all that you will pay to obtain a judgment. Once you have your judgment we can discuss the enforcement options available to you.

As well-respected small business debt recovery specialists in Brisbane, we are completely confident that we have the most cost-effective debt collection solution available in the market today. Since 1994 we have a demonstrated track record of success helping businesses of all sizes stay on top of overdue debtors.

Receivables Management

This highly cost effective service provides an opportunity for business owners to hand over their entire debtor collections process along with all the headaches that come with managing this complex and often challenging job.

Our receivables management solution allows your entire debtors ledger to be professionally managed by a Nexus Collections account manager in our office using our resources, saving you time and money.

With our unique operating model, your customers will never know that you have outsourced your receivables management process. Your Nexus account manager becomes an extension of your business, the only difference is that you don’t have any of the complexities or the costs associated with employing staff.

There are no commissions to pay, no wages, no super, no annual leave, in fact none of the responsibilities that come with employing staff. We review your debtors ledger and provide you with a quote for a fixed monthly fee with no long term commitments. You have nothing to lose, except for the stress of looking after your debtors.

We’ve been doing this since 1994, the system is time-tested and the results speak for themselves. We are more than happy to offer you the names of any of our clients who use our receivables management solution. They all love it and so will you.

Terms Of Trade

Terms of Trade are often ignored by small businesses because they either think they are unnecessary or are too expensive to have created by a solicitor. Did you know that in many cases, you will be unable to add your debt collecions costs to a debt unless you have properly drafted and signed terms of trade in place with your customer. Nexus Collections can offer a tailored terms of trade document at a cost that you can afford.

If your needs are particularly complex, we will introduce you to our solicitors who will offer you a fixed price quote to prepare terms of trade to meet your specific business needs.

If you need new terms of trade or your current terms reviewed, let’s talk.

Collect the money you’re entitled to.

These are uncertain times, the challenges for businesses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic are immense, and many businesses will face the risk of their customers becoming insolvent and being unable to pay their debts.

Nexus Collections has been working across Brisbane and Greater Queensland, and throughout Australia as a commercial debt collector and credit management specialist since 1994. With first-class technology at our fingertips and experts who are dedicated to exceptional customer support, we are one of Australia’s most respected and trusted collection agencies.